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The history of the
Schwarz jaw harp

geschichte handwerk tradition

Made by
Mollner masters

Our fascinating journey began in 1679, when the Schwarz family started producing jaw harps in Molln. Over 13 generations, the company has established itself as the guardian of a traditional craft. Under the leadership of company boss Karl Schwarz, now in the 12th generation, the market position has been successfully strengthened by expanding the product portfolio.

The jaw harp, an ancient folk instrument, dates back to the Celts and Romans, who treasured this endearing musical instrument with its unique, mystical tones. In its original bamboo form, the jaw harp can still be found today in South East Asia, Indonesia and Oceania. However, the true stronghold of this art can be found in the picturesque market town of Molln in Upper Austria.

geschichte maultrommel meisterhand
handwerk tradition maultrommel
handwerk tradition maultrommel

The fascinating anecdote from the 16th and 17th centuries tells of Barbara, a woman who was pardoned at the stake thanks to the invention of the jaw harp. This marks the beginning of a craft that was officially documented in 1679 with the enactment of the craft regulations for jaw harp makers by the Lordship of Steyr.

Over the centuries, jaw harp production flourished in Molln, with up to 40 master craftsmen and 200 servants producing millions of jaw harps in their family businesses. Production did not take place in workshops, but in the parlors of the families. 

Up to 36 steps were necessary to make a jaw harp. To this day, 12 steps are necessary, half of which are still purely manual.

In the 18th century, 60-70% of jaw harps were already exported, with publishers in the “Bummerlhaus” in Steyr organizing distribution via rivers and the Black Sea. At that time, the jaw harp was not only used as a musical instrument, but also as a romantic lure, which even led to a temporary ban by the Catholic Church.

geschichte maultrommel

Despite political events and the emergence of newer musical instruments, the Schwarz family remains the oldest producer of the jaw harp. Today we export first-class jaw harps to over 40 countries worldwide. The jaw harp has established itself not only in folk music, but also in jazz and modern music. The Schwarz company specializes in hand-tuned instruments that achieve a pure final tuning through a special process.

The Original Schwarz Jaw Harp, a mystical and unique-sounding reed instrument, is popular in folk and house music as well as in jazz and modern music. Make your jaw harp resound and discover the fascinating world of Schwarz Jaw harps!